
this is what you'd hear if i could speak my mind.

i am a neuron
shocking and small
wrapped in layers
and layers
of fat.


my mind
the Pyrex cup that holds 
my sanity, fluid
half empty, half full
hot to the touch
impossible to hold
the cold stream of reality flows
it cracks. 


don't fight mania, don't fight depression
glide, slide, slip, trip 
upwards into the clear canvas of elevation
sink, fall, descend, recline 
backwards, down into the seat of madness. 


i'm all kinetic and no potential. 



Sam Lupin said...

think of the neuron in question, darling. you might just be demyelinated without a clue, isn't it?

but that's why you have the handle, isn't it, sweetie?

ah, but darling ,the law of conservation of energy. kinetic can turn to potential and potential can go kinetic. nothing is so simple.

bad poetry? beautiful words.

i hope you're alright, beautiful.

i love you.

-Sam Lupin

Sam Lupin said...

a tiny comment reply:

[ http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_loftus_the_fiction_of_memory?language=en ]

i watched it. it reminds me of a lecture i have to do that i haven't touched. it reminds me of things that shouldn't be and things that are. it reminds me of how the mind protects you from bad things sometimes, and how much you doubt yourself sometimes.

i think that when people are told certain words, they begin to doubt their memories. the memory isn't the problem. it's the doubt.

i think that when people suffer through trauma. they are scared and lose memories and don't think so much. i think they go on feelings and what will make them relieve their thoughts more. i think that people think too much subconsciously and create new memories just to give them relief.

i think people overexaggerate memories. i think that people underexaggerate memories. i think that people have memories, and people don't.

above all else, i think you are beautiful.

-Sam Lupin

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